Apartment Therapy Home Tour

Reagen Taylor Photography
I think everyone can agree that 2016 was a year of really great highs and some pretty low lows, however, I couldn't be happier to be ending it on a high note with a full home tour feature on one of my favorite interior sites Apartment Therapy!  Since purchasing my home over seven years ago--and starting SP&C--Apartment Therapy was, and continues to be, one of my go to sites for interiors, home decor, and budget friendly ideas.  To say that I'm over the moon with a feature would be an understatement!  Click here for the full tour and then be sure to scroll to the bottom for all the sources.

And while the blog unfortunately got pushed to the back burner in 2016 due to the unfortunate reality that there are not, in fact, 37 hours in the day, I plan to come back with guns a'blazin' in 2017!  And by guns, I mean glue guns...duh.  2017 is going to be the year of doing what makes me happy, which obviously includes drinking wine and making things, so I can't wait to share!

Thank y'all so much for following along, and here's wishing everyone a very happy, healthy, and prosperous 2017!


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